Pradhan Mantri Schemes

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana – PMKSY

pardhan mantri krishi sinchai yojana

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna || PMKSY || Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchai Yojna || प्रधानमंत्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना || PMKSY District Irrigation Plan || Pradhan Mantri Krishi Vikas Yojana || PM Krishi Sinchai Scheme || Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna || PM Yojana In Hindi || Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Har Khet ko Pani “Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana” प्रधानमंत्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना

The motive of PARDHAN MANTRI GRAM SINCHAI YOJANA will be to take irrigation water to each and every agricultural field in the country. Farm productivity could not be increased until water is available for irrigation. Productivity is also linked to the health of the soil. High yield is possible only when soil is healthy.

The central government will issue Soil Health Card to farmers in the country. Help of scientists and agriculture students will be taken in this mission to check the condition and fertility of fields.

Objectives of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

Irrigating the field of every farmer and improving water use efficiency to provide `Per Drop More Crop’

  1. Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at field level
  2. Expand cultivable area under assured irrigation
  3. Improve farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage of water
  4. Enhance the adoption of water saving technologies
  5. Introducing sustainable agricultural practices
  6. Allowing private investment in precision agricultural system.
  7. Focus on inter-basin linkage for full utilization of water resources and address inequity in distribution.
  8. Emphasis on rain water harvesting, conservation through building ponds, wells etc.
  9. Emphasis on farmer education on optimum use of water.
  10. Improved income generation of farmers through efficient farming and marketing practices.

Importance of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna

1. will seek to integrate the labor force available with the scheme to facilitate the completion of various irrigation projects thus utilizing it to create durable and useful assets which was a long standing problem facing.

2. Will make a proposed investment of Rs 50000 cr. spread over next five years.

3. Seeks to encourage enthusiastic participation of states and local bodies by allowing states to draw up a District Irrigation Plan (DIP) and a State Irrigation Plan (SIP), thus promoting greater level of vertical cooperation.

4. Aims at bringing ministries like ministry of water, ministry of irrigation, ministry of rural development, departments, research and financial institutions engaged in creation/recycling/potential recycling of water under a common platform.

5. Will put a 3 level strict monitoring mechanism viz. District, State, and National levels.

6. 65% of the farmland is still not covered under irrigation.

7. It will focus on end to end solution by implementing project in decentralized approach.

8. Instead of adopting conventional top down approach some flexibility will be given to states.

Irrigation and Water Conservation

Water conservation and cutting down on wastage is key to bringing irrigation facilities to every farm in the country. This makes introduction of sustainable water preservation practices and optimization of water resources (More Crop Per Drop) just as important as introduction of new irrigation facilities. The PMKSY shall also explore a number of methods to treat and re-use municipal water for these irrigation projects. Water recycling shall hold much importance in the success of the scheme, said the FM. Private Investments in these plans shall also be solicited by the government.

Programme Structure

The planning and implementation of the PARDHAN MANTRI GRAM SINCHAI YOJANA has been decentralized and the states shall now draw district-level plans for its successful execution.

The long-term adherence to these District Irrigation Plans (DIP) and State Irrigation Plans (SIP) will be supervised by a National Steering Committee (NSC) with representation from the various ministries involved and shall be monitored by the Union Ministers. The Prime Minister himself shall chair the committee.

The implementation of the scheme shall be overseen by a National Executive Committee (NEC), which shall be chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the NITI Aayog.

Who Control on PMGSY

The plan comes from centre but the major problem that the government is going to face is the scattered distribution of arable land across the country. As a result, implementation and monitoring the progress of the scheme is difficult. To overcome this problem, government has decided to decentralize the overall planning and implementation of the scheme state governments have been tasked with the responsibility of coming up with district level irrigation Plans (DIP or District Irrigation Plans). DIPs will aim for the integration of water usage application, distribution network and water resources. All DIPs prepared at district and block levels.

A national steering committee with representatives from different ministers will be responsible for supervising the project planning and ensuring that both state irrigation plans and district irrigation plans are carried out over the long run as per strict quality guidelines. The NSC will be chaired by PM Narendra Modi himself.

Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

The list of benefits that will show up in case of success is way too long incorporated in this single article. However, here is a brief idea of the benefits that Indian economy can enjoy as whole.

  1. Improved agricultural production will keep prices of food items in check and hence, control inflation.
  2. Increased agricultural production will also lead to growth of other industries that are dependent on agriculture for raw materials.
  3. Also, as agricultural production increases, the need for importing agricultural produce from other countries drops. As a result, the money that was otherwise set apart from import can be put to use in other areas like infrastructure development, repayment of international debt etc.
  4. As agricultural produce increases, there will be surplus can be exported and this in turn will lead to an influx of foreign capital. Some part of the surplus can be store for use during periods of poor production.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

In India almost 43 % land is under irrigation and the benefits are distributed disproportionately in favour of some states, primarily stated which were covered under green revolutions. According to various surveys half of the children in India are undernourished and in order to provide food security, enhancement in productivity the irrigation facilities has to be enhanced to uncovered areas in the country. 

India is still an agrarian economy and half of its population depends on agriculture for livelihood. It is mandatory for government to provide enough opportunities to all of its citizen to grow economically and for farmers this opportunity lies in insured farm inputs in general and irrigational facilities in particular. The success of make in India and high growth rate in self employment is certainly depends on high growth rate agricultural sectors.

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