Pradhan Mantri Schemes

Earn Money With Solar Energy Plant Installation On Your Rooftop – Save Electricity

roof top solar panel

Earn Money With Solar Energy Plant Installation On Your Rooftop Save Electricity

Solar Energy Plant Installation || Rooftop Plant || Rooftop Solar Panel || Solar Light || Earn With Solar Plant || Energy Saver || Solar Energy Plant Subsidy || Solar Plat Installation Cost || Home Business

Save electricity bill, earn up to 25 thousand every month, just one condition

If you have your own house and have a large long roof, then you will get rid of the electricity bill coming every month. Here you will have a question about how this can happen. The way we are going to tell you, not only will you use your empty roof, but you will earn at least 25 thousand rupees. These earnings can be even more.

How Much Space Required

To earn money in this way, the roof must be at least 10X10 feet. If there is no roof at home and you have an empty plot or a field, then that place is also quite right to do this work.

You will get subsidy from Center, State Government

You will also get subsidy from the Center and the state government to do this work and technical information will also be given to complete the system.

Plant Installation

Solar energy plant will be installed on the terrace of the house or open ground or plot. You can plant a kilowatt to 10 kilowatts of plant. In this, the plan of one kilowatt per day will generate 5 units of power.

It is beneficial to plant two kilowatt of plant

If you plant a 2 kilowatt plant at your house then you will generate less than 3 thousand units of power in the entire year. It will cost 2 lakh rupees for imposing this. If you spend 200 units in a month, 2400 units in the entire year. You can sell the remaining 600 units of electricity to the National Grid. The National Grid will buy this kind of electricity from you at a rate of 10 rupees. Accordingly, you will earn 6 thousand rupees every year.

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